Saturday 1 September 2007

R U Tired of hearing about Hillary and Barack? AFA is holding a Values Voter's Presidential Debate!! Tune In

Are we getting Fair and Unbiased news coverage? Are we getting = time??? At first it may have been interesting -- the Hillary and Barack dance, but now I'm tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton and her campaign for the White House every time I turn on the TV. Is anyone else in the race? Are any candidates out there that are not Democrats? The lopsided TV coverage we have been getting is ridiculous. So Hillary is the first woman to run, so Obama is the first African American to run, so where is Huckabee, a Protestant Minister; Mitt Romney, a Mormon; John McCain, the oldest candidate to ever run for the presidency; and were is Sam Brownback, the Senator who has steadfastly stood for morality and decency. Certainly someone besides me must be interested in these people, too.

Even the liberal Times Union has interest in this subject: in the Friday, August 31, 2007 edition they printed the article, "Democrats receive more TV coverage". They state that:

"Through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows devoted 284 campaign segments to Democratic candidates and 152 to Republicans, according to the Media Research Center." Media Research Center's founder, L. Brent Bozell states, "The double standard has got to stop. What you hope is that there would be fairness. If you are going to give that much coverage to the Democrats, give it to the Republicans, too." [YES!!!]

"The disparity was most pronounced in January, with 52 stories on the Democratic Campaign and 5 for the Republicans." The nightly news casts on the commercial networks and the cable networks are also remarkably devoted to covering the Democratic candidates.

PRAY: Ask God for equal coverage. Ask Him to move the Conservative and Republican candidates to be more forceful in pushing there campaign agendas in the press and on TV.

TAKE ACTION: Call your local networks and newspapers and tell them you want to hear more about Conservative and Republican candidates; more balanced coverage of election issues and candidates; and less about every breath Hillary and Obama take.

Please read this email from American Family Association; it addresses the same issue.

The GOP Values Voters Presidential Debate

We've heard the questions from talking snowmen. We've gotten the crumbs that fell from Chris Matthews. Now it's our turn. It's time the candidates answer questions from the largest voting block in America: the values voters. Yes, the values voters.

A letter of invitation was sent June 4 from national pro-family leaders to both the Republican and Democrats running for president. While it seems everyone is clamoring for the same date, Sept. 17, the good news is that seven out of 10 of the Republican candidates have already confirmed their attendance to speak on that date to the most essential constituency: the values voters.

So far, six Republicans (Huckabee, Brownback, Hunter, Paul, Tancredo, and Cox) have rightly chosen to attend the event where they will hear from the base of their party.

The Values Voter Presidential Debate held in Fort Lauderdale will be streamed live by the American Family Association. Mark the date! September 17 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern.

What makes this debate different? The candidates will be asked questions related to abortion, immigration, marriage and other issues Values Voters consider important.

If you want to see where they stand on the traditional, pro-family issues, don't miss this debate.
Live video or audio streaming can be found at on the day of the debate.

Take Action:

First, click here to sign up for a friendly reminder the day of the webcast.

Finally, please call the following candidates and request they participate in the event (These have not confirmed yet).

Rudy Giuliani 212-835-9449

Mitt Romney 857-288-6400

John McCain 703-418-2008

Fred Thompson 615-390-9944