Friday 28 September 2007

Day Two of 40 Days of Prayer for Life

The prayer days are already having wonderful results. Please read the testimony below and then use the guide to pray.

"God Almighty is working miracles across America through the faithfulness of His people during 40 Days for Life!

From Durango, Colorado, we learned that one woman left the abortion facility after sitting in her car forabout 15 minutes, while three 40 Days for Life volunteers prayed fervently for her.Then the abortionist didn't show, so five other mothers waiting for abortions left. As many as six babies may have been saved!

In Richmond, Virginia, a woman going in for an abortion rejected information from sidewalk counselors, but a post-abortive woman reached out to her and said,"Please don't make the same mistake that I have. You can chose a better way, God's way, the way of life! Please won't you let your baby live, and love you?" The woman went in to the abortion facility anyway......A few more minutes went by, and the young woman came out of the clinic. She hugged the sidewalk counselor, took contact information from her regarding where she could get medical and emotional support, and got into her father's car. As she drove away, she glanced over at the 40 Days forLife participants and mouthed the words "thank you" as tears streamed down her father's face. Then they were gone.

As the 40 Days for Life volunteer shared in the email she sent me, "It all happened in a matter of minutes, precious minutes given to her by Christ to reconsider what she was doing. It was my first experience of what this work is all about, and it made my first day involved in the pro-life movement one I will not soon forget." Wow!

We are doing the same work when we pray. Here's your devotional for Day 2:

Daily Devotional by: Carmen Pate

SCRIPTURE: "Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." -- Psalm 34: 3-4, 7

REFLECTION: Fear of what man may do to us, or fear of what the future may hold, keeps many in bondage to the lies of the enemy. A young woman may fear her boyfriend won't love her if she doesn't engage in promiscuity. The young woman who has an unplanned pregnancy may fear what the future holds because she has believed the lie that her life and her future are over because of the child in her womb. The post-abortive woman may fear she is unworthy of love and deserves to be punished by both God and man. We may fear what people think or what man may do to us because we stand for righteousness, and stand in the gap for the unborn and the woman with child. But Scripture tells us to fear the Lord! In fact, the theme of the book of Proverbs is that the fear of the Lord is the starting point and essence of wisdom. In this context "fear" is a reverence for God expressed in submission to His will. It is a reverent awe of who God is and what He does. When we understand His unique and immutable characteristics -- that He is Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipotent (all-powerful) andOmnipresent (everywhere present) -- our reverent awe is a natural response. When we add to that knowledge the fact that God is Love, His ways are perfect, and "All things work together for good to those who love God, to those whoare the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28),we understand why this "perfect Love casts out fear" of the enemy, of man, and what tomorrow may bring our way. Let's put fear in proper perspective as we magnify the Lord and cast all our fears at His feet.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you are the Lord Our Peace. Help us to reflect your peace as we encounter those today who are in the bondage of fear. We acknowledge that you are indeed all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present. Thank you for your love and faithfulness to us. As we commit to fear You alone, give us your wisdom and discernment to help calm the fears of others and redirect them to Truth, and a reverent awe of You. In the name of Your Son, Jesus, upon whose name we can boldly come before You, we pray, AMEN.

May God continue blessing America!
Yours For Life,
David Bereit
National Campaign Director 40 Days for Life"

Shalom, dear prayer warrior!!!