Thursday 26 April 2007

Hate Crime Legislation Alert

Pray and Act action alert:
H.R. 1592 The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 or, the hate crimes bill, is eminently coming to a vote. Our response must be immediate. You can fond very useful information.

  • Go to
  • Click onto the top picture of Rev. Louis P. Sheldon to watch a video on this subject.
  • Click onto the headline, 'So-Called Hate Crimes Bill Paves Way For Prosecution of Christians'.

H.R. 1592 lays the groundwork for silencing the Christian viewpoint on homosexuality and marriage. This bill adds ''sexual orientation'' and ''gender identity'' as protected classes in the U.S. criminal code. These classes are based solely upon unverifiable self-identification and/or sexual behavior.

This bill mandates a separate federal criminal prosecution for state offenses for crimes motivated by actual or perceived ''sexual orientation'' and ''gender identity''. Significantly, H.R. 1592 doesn't even define what the term ''sexual orientation'' means and could include more than 25 recognized sexual behaviors.

This bill erases equality under the law and puts homosexual and transgender individuals into a special favored class. H.R. 1592 will ultimately lead to gaging and/or prosecuting Christians who speak out about these Biblically denounced behaviors.

Don't be deceived: ''hate crimes'' and ''nondiscrimination'' laws certainly sound noble and high-minded, but they aim to normalize homosexuality and ''transgenderism'' in all arenas of society. They also aim to silence and punish all opposing viewpoints.

Pray before you call.

  • Ask God to stop this bill from being passed.
  • Bind Satan and all of his power, influence, authority and control from your Representative and from the staffers working in the office in the Name of Jesus.
  • Loose the power of the Holy Spirit upon everyone in the office and your Representative in Jesus' Name.
  • Bind fear and anxiety from yourself in Jesus' Name.
  • ask God to empower you by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The above suggestions for prayer should be prayed before every phone call or contact with a newspaper or elected official. Please write them down somewhere because I will not be listing them every time we have an Action Alert. See previous blogs for similar lists.


  • Write down what you are going to say.
  • Call your NY State Representative. 1. 202.225.3121 Ask for Representative ________'s office.
  • Ask for a Legislative Assistant.
  • Leave a message for your Representative and ask to be informed as to how he/she voted.

Talking points:

  • I very strongly oppose H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Protection Act.
  • H.R. 1592 violates the constitutional concept of equal protection under the law by creating ''special'' classes of people based on sexual orientation.
  • Every crime should be punished based on the action of the crime. Crimes should not be punished more severely because of the alleged ''thought behind the action''.
  • H.R. 1592 paves the way for future legislation that could lead to religious persecution through ''hate speech''. Christians and other faith groups hold Biblical beliefs on the issues of homosexuality and transgenderism.
  • H.R 1592 is an overreach of federal power - allowing federal government intervention into local and state affairs.
  • I implore you to vote against H.R. 1592.

May God strengthen and bless you as you stand up and occupy for Him.

Monday 23 April 2007

H. R. 984 Grassroots Lobbying

Urgent Pray and Act Alert

Visit and read the story ''U.S. House set to vote on 'Grassroots Gag Order'''.


  • Cover yourself, your family, your belongings with the Blood of Jesus and with the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6).
  • Bind all of Satan's power, influence, authority and control from those voting on this bill in Jesus' Name.
  • Bind all interference that would keep your message from getting to your representative in Jesus' Name.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to give you and your message favor. Ask for wisdom and clarity of mind as you make your phone call.
  • Bind all spirits of fear, anxiety, and all inadequacy from yourself in Jesus' Name.
  • Loose the power of the Holy Spirit over your phone call and over your representative in Jesus' Name.
  • Ask God to prepare your representative's heart and mind to receive and act upon your request - directive.
  • Ask God to stop the parts of H. R. 984 that would hinder grassroot lobbying from being passed.
  • Pray in Jesus' Name, for whatever you ask in His Name, He will do.


  • Write down what you are going to say to your representative.
  • Call 1 . 202 . 224 . 3121 and ask for your representative's office.
  • Firmly but politely state your case to the staffer that you want your representative to reject the provisions contained in H. R. 984 which require burdensome regulations upon communications by individual constituents who are freely and voluntarily expressing their views on important issues to members of Congress and the Executive Branch. Tell him/her that you support the portions of this bill that call for more transparency and accountability from Congress.
  • Tell your representative (staffer) you want to know how he/she voted on this bill.
  • You can also send an email while you are on the AFA site, however, a call is important.

Many Blessings!

The Day They Kicked God out of the Schools

This is really terrific. It capsulizes many of the problems with our society. Great motivation to Act and Pray.

Visit and click on the picture with the title, The Day They Kicked God out of the Schools. Order the two copies of the dvd, one for yourself and one for your pastor or priest. Email this page to all your friends.

Many Blessings!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

The Rededicaton of America to God

I don't usually repeat my newsletter on the blog, but this is important. The newsletter will not go out until tomorrow and you may want to respond to this event before you get it. CBN is sponsoring a four day event, April 26 - 29, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of America. On April 29, 1607, in Virginia, a cross was planted in the sand and prayers were prayed dedicating our nation to the Lord. They also dedicated this new land to spread the gospel in this new land and throughout the whole world. On April 29, 2007, CBN will be planting another cross in the same place and rededicating our country to the Lord. I urge you to attend this event if you can. Christian leaders from across America will be present for this four day event culminating in the ceremony of planting the cross and praying for America.
Whether we can be present at Virginia Beach or not, we can all participate in this important event. Go to and you will find instructions on how to participate at home. You have the opportunity to plant your own cross in your own yard, thereby claiming your house and family for the Lord. You can purchase a white cross on line at that website. There isn't much time before the event so you'll have to act quickly. The newsletter says to go to for information on this event. I have searched but could not find the information on buying a cross or registering to go to the conference at I emailed them and they sent me to the above link.
This is very spiritually significant and I can't urge you strongly enough to participate. The fate of our country could depend on it. Almost every nation that has been a major power has self-destructed after 400 years. We are certainly headed in that direction but, if we will heed II Chronicles 7:14 and humble our selves and pray and see God's face, He will hear our prayers and He will heal our land. The fate of our country could depend on the prayers that are prayed on April 29th. We must PRAY and ACT. Our voices must be heard in the political arena, in the market place and in the city square. It takes time, energy, and courage to speak up and stand up for what is right. Pray that the Christian Community stops being the Silent Majority, the Sleeping Giant, the Frozen Chosen; pray that we become the Church Militant, that we find our voices, that we succeed in making the Kingdom Rules and Laws the rules and laws that govern our country. How can we be the Church Triumphant in heaven if we never fight a battle here on earth?
+ cover yourself, your family, and your possessions with the Blood of Jesus
+ put on the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6)
+ take authority over the situation in the Name of Jesus
+ ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and favor
+ ask the Holy Spirit to move on the heart of the person you are contacting
+ ask the Holy Spirit to open their mind to the truth as you speak or as they read your email
+ bind fear, anxiety and confusion in the Name of Jesus
+ write down your talking points
We have all the power, Jesus commanded us to use it to occupy. Let's shake off our lethargy and pray and act so we can glorify God and so He can heal our land.
Many Blessings.

Sunday 15 April 2007

Abortion Problems

I hope everyone had a very blessed Resurrection Sunday. Jesus Rules!

During an Easter gathering at my house a very heated discussion arose in the living room while my husband and I were working in the kitchen. We could hear the discussion but we were not actually a part of the discussion except for an occasional yelling out to the other room to get our two cents worth into the living room without having to leave the kitchen.

It seemed impossible that I was hearing pro-abortion distorted logic in my own living room while I was busy preparing a meal to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection. Even though the participants in the discussion were all self-professed Christians, more than one seemed to think that abortion was not only OK, but that it was a good thing that it was legal as women would die as a result of illegal abortions. The same tired, worn out and fallacious arguments were being used that had been in existence since the 1970s. Until that moment, I had thought that all thoughtful Christians had already seen the error in the logic of those arguments as well as the theological insufficiency of being pro-abortion.

Where do I begin? Certainly some women died as a result of illegal abortions. Not all women, SOME. Abortionists would have us believe that most women died of self induced abortions but that is not true. Few died. The number abortionists use has been picked out of the air to sway public opinion. A former abortionist has admitted to that.

Most certainly, SOME WOMEN DIE FROM LEGAL ABORTIONS ALSO. AND, SOME WOMEN DIE FROM THE MORNING AFTER PILLS. Women die from abortion whether abortion is legal or not. That is not the point. Misplaced pity for the abortive mother has blinded many, evidently even Christians, to the truth about abortion and the major problem with abortion:
Abortion kills an innocent, defenseless, helpless, powerless, and voiceless HUMAN BEING. That is the point.

This brings up the second misconception that somehow clouds the thinking of those that think abortion should be legal. They wonder if it is really a human being. How confused can someone get. People say they don't know when life begins. It should be clear to the Christian that life begins at conception. Yes, a fertilized egg is a human being. If it dies it will be in heaven with God forever. It is a real person that God had a plan for, and yet some people aren't sure. Its really funny. Somehow, some brilliant person figured out that fertilized lobster eggs are lobsters. Laws have been written that forbid the destruction of fertilized lobster eggs and the transporting of fertilized lobster eggs from one state to another. How did they ever figure out that a fertilized lobster egg is a lobster? We don't seem to know when a fertilized human egg becomes a human. I thought that debate was over until the aforementioned discussion in my living room.

If you want to believe a lie, then its easy. The abortionist tells the pregnant mother that she is not carrying a baby, its a blob a tissue, a mass of undifferentiated cells (stem cells). (Undifferentiated tissue is also a medical term used to refer to cancer cells.) I do have compassion for the dilemma of the unwed mother. The abortionists lies must be music to the ears of the frightened, distraught and desperate woman with an unwanted pregnancy. Her time for choice, however, is over. She already made her choice when she decided to have sex while not married. She made her choice when she decided to become sexually active. That is when she made her choice. Presumably, when she made her choice, she was aware that pregnancy can result from having sex. She made her choice anyway. To call abortion a "choice'' is another lie of the abortionist. It is not choice. It is deliberately deciding to kill the baby growing inside your body. Abortion is a decision to kill, a decision to destroy, a decision to end the life of another human being. It is not the abortive mother's body that she is controlling when she aborts, it is the body of an innocent human being, her very own baby, the innocent victim of a number of wrong choices. That is why abortion is wrong. It is taking the life of another human being. God has a law about willfully taking another's life. Thou shalt not kill. That's why abortion is wrong. It is immoral. And we as a society have made laws to protect the practice of killing our unborn children. We are all guilty.

We are a nation of baby killers. We are a nation that has stood by and virtually said and done nothing to stop the slaughter of the innocents. We have told God His law is not for us. We told Him we will make up our own laws and live by them. Because abortion is legal it has become common place. Women use abortion for birth control. Most women who have an abortion have more that one abortion. Multiple abortions are the norm. Life Saver Ministries' Newsletter reports that women have abortions because summer is coming and they want to look good in a bikini. Do you see how grievous and wicked this problem is?

That is why as Christians - God's people upon this earth- we must speak up. We must find our voice. We must stand against abortion and all the destruction it causes, the destruction of life and the damage it does to the woman who aborts. MANY suffer from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of aborting a baby. They at some point realize that they killed their baby and have deep emotional scars that only God can heal. The Blood of Jesus was certainly shed for the woman who aborts. There is forgiveness and grace at the cross for any woman who has aborted her child. Jesus paid the price and all she has to do is ask Him to forgive her and to heal her. Jesus is faithful. His grace can heal and restore the woman who has had an abortion(s). In the mean time, we as a nation are in grave danger of judgement because of our acceptance of abortion. As Christians we must confess that we live in a nation that has made it legal to kill our unborn babies and we must do everything in our power to reverse the situation. We must call our Senators and Representatives and tell them we want them to reverse Roe v Wade. We must rise up and raise such and out cry that this barbaric and gruesome practice will be banished from our society.

There are other arguments for abortion. There are the rape, incest, and birth defect arguments for abortion. Again, a very small percentage of occurrences. Rape, Incest and Birth Defects are terrible. Children having children is horrible. Murdering the unborn is unacceptable. Because we live in a sinful, fallen world these terrible things will and do happen. I personally do not believe that killing the unborn is ever the right solution. Adoption, compassion and therapy can solve most of the above. If birth defects are severe enough, the baby will die of natural causes. I have heard of a baby that was born literally without a head. The parents knew of the condition of the child before its birth and chose to take care of their severely disabled child for as long as it lived. The baby died with in a few months. The parents never regretted the time they spent with their child. That child is now in heaven, perfect without the egregious birth defect with which it was born. When those parents are reunited with their child in heaven, they will not have to explain why they cut their child's life off prematurely and ask that child for forgiveness. Of course, the child would have forgiven them, but that child won't have to do that. The reunion will be glorious without any shame or embarrassment.

If you have had an abortion(s), ask God to forgive you for having an abortion(s). Ask Him to heal your memories, and remove your guilt and shame. Join a post-abortion group at a Pregnancy Care Center. That will help with your healing process. Forgive yourself for what you have done. Remember that all have fallen short of the glory of God. God loves you and will forgive you if you ask Him. Then, give your baby a name and write a scenario for the life your child would have had. Imagine his/her features, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Give your beautiful child to God and ask Him to take care of him/her until you can join him/her in heaven. Ask God to tell your child that you are sorry and that you are eager to meet him/her. Have the courage to overcome your past and to serve God and live for Him.

I strongly urge that we pray for the reversal of Roe v Wade. Ask God to strike it down. Call you Senators and Representatives, write letters to the editor and make your voice heard when ever possible. Abortion is a reproach to America, it is a stench that is raising up to heaven and we must repent or we will certainly reap the wrath and judgment that we deserve.

Be strong. Pray before you act and trust the Holy Spirit to empower you, strenghten you and give you the wisdom you need to stand up for righteousness.

Many Blessings

Thursday 5 April 2007

Executive Branch Lobbying Bill/Adult Stem Cell Breakthrough

I'm back!!!! We had a wonderful vacation but upon return I became very ill. I have fully recovered, in fact, I am better than ever. For those who knew of my illness and prayed for me, thank you for praying. I am very grateful.

OneNewsNow,, reports on a lobbying bill that threatens grassroots activism. "A national pro-life organization warns that an executive branch lobbying bill pending in the U. S. House of Representatives would trample the right of citizens to convey their opinions privately to the government. the bill (HR 984), sponsored by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA), would require that every contact made by a citizen or a representative of a group of citizens to a political appointee in the executive branch be recorded in a government database and accessible on the Internet." [If this bill were passed, it would just be a matter of time before all contact with public officials would be monitored in the same way.]

Douglas Johnson, the legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee in Washington, DC, describes HR 984 as one of a number of ''assaults'' on the First Amendment by the new Democratic leadership in Congress. If passed, HR 984 would restrict the free-speech rights of ''grassroots organizations like right-to-life and pro-family groups and other groups that are out of favor with the elites, and thereby enhance the power of certain inside players."

"HR 984 was approved 28 - 0 by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which Waxman chairs. The bill is now awaiting a vote by the full House of Representatives.''

PLEASE CALL YOUR US REPRESENTATIVE AND URGE HIM/HER TO VOTE NO ON HR 984. Use our Contact Our Government page to get the contact information you need.

Adult Stem Cell Research has had a breakthrough with heart valve tissue. Experiments will be done on animals and then on humans in the future. Scientists are hopeful that this breakthrough will eliminate open heart surgery for valve replacement. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!

Embryonic Stem Cell Research has had ZERO results in curing or ameliorating any disease. Adult Stem Cell Research has had positive results with 72 diseases.

So I ask you, why would we want to spend ANY MONEY on ESCR???? It doesn't make sense. Not only does Embryonic Stem Cell Research kill a human life (Do they really think God would bless research which requires the destruction of human life?) but it has a ZERO chance of saving lives or curing diseases and its track record proves it. Tumors and unwanted tissue is all they will ever get with ESCR. And yet they tell lawmakers that the substance only found in Embryonic Stem Cells is the hope of the future. If they only knew that that substance is what causes the tumors and unwanted tissue, maybe they would finally stop the research on Embryonic Stem Cells. Instead of voting to kill and experiment on frozen embryos, why not pass a law making it easy and affordable for childless couples to adopt the embryos and have children with them? I'm afraid our law makers have been duped regarding this issue. In the meantime, embryos are needlessly being killed and money is needlessly being wasted.

I want a cure for Michael J. Fox and others as much as anyone else. That's why I say, spend money where we'll get results, spend money on Adult Stem Cell Research, lots of it, and stop throwing money away on Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Honor God and His laws and God will bless us with cures for everything.

Duane Motley has excellent information on this. States that banned ESCR have been PROSPERING beyond belief contrary to the argument that if we don't embrace ESCR we will fall behind in corporate money for our state. God always blesses obedience and judges disobedience. Go to for terrific information on this and talking points to use when you call your elected officials.

HE LIVES!!!!!!!
Blessings and Love