Tuesday 18 September 2007


The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act on Sept. 19th. This bill is pernicious in that it will make it illegal for Christians to refuse to hire gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals. This is paramount to normalizing and legalizing the actions that are so plainly identified as sin in the Bible. Please pray that this ungodly bill will not pass. Please read the research published yesterday by TVC (Traditional Values Coalition) and contact your senator and ask to vote against this bill. TVC has emails you can copy and send. They have a link to CapWiz you can use to email your Representative. It is very important that we have a voice in this matter. Please Read, Pray and Act.

Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) Tell-A-Friend

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is coming up for a vote in the House of Representatives by the end of September. ENDA will be marked up in the House Education and Labor Committee (mark up involves adding or deleting sections to the bill) on September 19 and a vote in the full house is expected the following week.

ENDA is federal legislation designed to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to federal law. If ENDA is signed into law, homosexuals, cross-dressers, drag queens, transsexuals, and even she-males will be considered protected minorities under federal law. ENDA applies to any business with 15 or more employees and will impact religious organizations as well.

TVC’s newly-published report details the dangers of ENDA. Download it immediately and send a link to your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators.
ENDA Attacks Business Practices

Business Insurance magazine (September 10, 2007) published an article on the confusion that will be caused by ENDA to businesses. According to this magazine, employer groups are concerned about “gender identity” language in the bill. Bill Layman with the Society for Human Resources Management expressed concern over adding “gender identity” to the bill: “There is a relatively vague definition in the text of the bill, but we are concerned that the definition will present significant challenges on a day-to-day basis to employers in fulfilling the requirements of the bill.”

Mike Eastmen with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce asked: “Gender identity – what does that mean?” Phil Berkowitz, a partner at Nixon Peabody L.L.P. in New York also expressed concern over “gender identity.” “It [ENDA] really does aggressively seek to legislate social notions.”

Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., a partner with Seyfarth Shaw L.L.P. in Chicago said: “The lack of a strict definition (of gender identity) will lead at the beginning, after enactment of the law, to litigation searching for the definition of who is and who is not covered.”
Contact every Christian business owner you know to let them know about this dangerous legislation.

Phony Religious Exemption To Silence People Of Faith
ENDA has a phony “religious exemption” designed to silence people of faith over this bill, but the “exemption” only applies to religious institutions that are engaged in the spreading of religious doctrine or belief. ENDA would, however, apply to other religious institutions if the “primary” purpose of the institution is NOT the spreading of doctrine or belief. This could mean any Christian-owned business; Christian publishing companies; record labels; radio and TV stations; day care centers, etc.

ENDA must be soundly defeated. Homosexual and drag queen activists may try to “strengthen” the religious exemptions to gain passage, but the bill is fundamentally flawed and cannot be fixed.

Even if strong exemptions were added, the basic objective of the bill would still be wrong and a violation of the rights of businessmen to set their own hiring policies. ENDA actually has sections in it telling employers how they are to cater to the demands of cross-dressers and transsexuals in restroom and shower policies!

TVC has played a critical role in fighting passage of ENDA for the past decade! In fact, the Human Rights Campaign (a radical homosexual group) recently quoted from a TVC fact sheet on ENDA that we distributed on Capitol Hill to shock its supporters into lobbying strong for passage of ENDA!

Other radical homosexual web sites are reprinting our ENDA and transgender comics and ridiculing us for telling the truth about what ENDA will do to businesses and to faith-based groups.

Our goal is to derail this dangerous pro-homosexual/drag queen/cross-dressing legislation and we’ll continue fighting against it for as long as it takes. If it passes the House and Senate, then we’ll lobby the White House to have President Bush veto it.

TVC’s web site has more detailed information about the dangers of ENDA not only to people of faith but to every business in America with more than 15 employees. www.traditionalvalues.org

TVC’s newly-published report on H.R. 2015, ENDA should be in the hands of parents, legislators, pastors, teachers, businessmen, heads of non-profits, Christian radio and TV station managers – and anyone else who will be impacted by ENDA.

Download and distribute this important report! Send a link to this report to your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators. Tell them to vote NO on ENDA when it comes to a vote.

Forward this to a friend: Tell-A-Friend

Download Our Action Alert/Church Bulletin Insert On ENDA
TVC has produced a Bulletin Insert on ENDA that should be distributed in every church in America. Download this insert from our web site and make sure that your pastor is encouraged to distribute this during church services during the next critical weeks!

Give this Action Alert/Church Bulletin to your friends as well.
Encourage your pastor, friends and family members to contact their U.S. Representative and ask that these legislators vote NO on ENDA.

Read and distribute other reports published by TVC on Gender Identity Disorders, Hate Crime legislation, Transgender restroom activism, and the Clarification of Federal Employment Protections Act.


SEND A LETTER OF CONCERN TO YOUR U.S. Representative and ask that he or she vote against ENDA in any form.

EMAIL A COPY of TVC’s various reports to them and ask them to respond. Use CapWiz to contact your Representative.

EMAIL one of the letters written below. We have written two letters for your use. Version one is for concerned citizens. Version two is for business owners.

You can write your own letter or cut and paste these letters into CapWiz. You can add your own comments into CapWiz as well.

Version 1: Concerned citizens should use version 1.
Use the following text for your letter to your U.S. Representative and/or add your own comments to it:

Dear Representative:
I am writing to you to ask that you vote NO on H.R. 2015, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

Passage of ENDA is a primary goal of homosexual and transgender activists. They want to gain federally-protected minority status for sexual behaviors that are changeable and treatable.
ENDA will provide federal protection for a whole range of sexual orientations and Gender Identity Disorders (GID), which are listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Individuals with GID include cross-dressers, drag queens, transsexuals, and even she-males (individuals who go through only half of a so-called sex-change operation. They are male from the waist down and female from the waist up.)

ENDA will make these individuals a federally-protected minority group. These are individuals who have seriously disordered thinking about who they are. They need therapy, not federal minority status under the law.

Likewise, ENDA defines “sexual orientation” as: “homosexuality, bisexuality and heterosexuality” but also includes the phrase “actual or perceived” sexual orientation. This opens up ENDA to protecting a whole range of bizarre sexual orientations listed in the APA’s DSM.

Version 2 If you’re a business owner, use version 2.
Dear Representative:
As a business owner, I am writing to urge you to vote NO on H.R. 2015, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

ENDA will provide federal protection for a whole range of sexual orientations and Gender Identity Disorders (GID), which are listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Individuals with GID include cross-dressers, drag queens, transsexuals, and even she-males (individuals who go through only half of a so-called sex-change operation. They are male from the waist down and female from the waist up.)

ENDA will make these individuals a federally-protected minority group. These are individuals who have seriously disordered thinking about who they are. They need therapy, not federal minority status under the law.

Likewise, ENDA defines “sexual orientation” as: “homosexuality, bisexuality and heterosexuality” but also includes the phrase “actual or perceived” sexual orientation. This opens up ENDA to protecting a whole range of bizarre sexual orientations listed in the APA’s DSM.

ENDA will threaten my right to make employment policy decisions. It will force me to accommodate to the wishes of drag queens, cross-dresses, transsexuals and even she-males in my restroom or shower facilities.

The federal government has no right to tell me to create unisex restrooms or provide separate restrooms for individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder. Congress has no right to force me to violate my religious beliefs to cater to individuals who engage in behaviors I consider to be sinful.

Business Insurance magazine recently quoted Phil Berkowitz, a partner at Nixon Peabody L.L.P. in New York over having “gender identity” as part of ENDA. He said: “It [ENDA] really does aggressively seek to legislate social notions.”

Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., a partner with Seyfarth Shaw L.L.P. in Chicago said: “The lack of a strict definition (of gender identity) will lead at the beginning, after enactment of the law, to litigation searching for the definition of who is and who is not covered.”
ENDA will be a litigation nightmare for my business and for every business in America with more than 15 employees.

Congress should not be legislating “social notions” about homosexuality or cross-dressing to force these bizarre behaviors and disordered conditions upon businessmen. Vote NO on ENDA!


Many Blessings~~~~~