Friday 8 June 2007

Urgent Alerts

New York State:

1. Marriage Equality Bill
Go to for more information.
In short, Assemblyman O'Donnell has introduced the the "Marriage Equality Bill" A 8590. This bill legalizes same sex marriage. There is an clergy exemption that exempts pastors and other religious leaders form solemnizing same sex marriages, but not others who have moral objections to homosexuality and lesbianism such as town clerks or justices of the peace. These civil servants would have to resign their positions if they refused to officiate at gay weddings. It wouldn't be long before the exemption for religious clergy was revoked. Motley states, "If the state recognizes gay marriages, how can it continue to grant tax benefits to organizations (churches) that 'discriminate' against same sex couples?"

Motley gives a 5 step plan of action which must be implemented IMMEDIATELY.
1. Pray
2. Call Speaker Sheldon Silver @ 518.455.4100
3. Call your local assemblyman.
4. Circulate the petition you can get from the above website.
5. Contact your friends.

These steps are amplified and explained on the nycf website (above).
Please act now.

2. Elliot Spitzer's Governor's Program bill #16 is called the "Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act" goes way,way beyond Roe v Wade.

  • It seeks to establish a "fundamental right of privacy" within New York State law, encompassing the right to "choose or refuse contraception" and the right to "bear a child or terminate a pregnancy" as if both "choices" were equally valid and worthy of support. If this were made law, the state would have to take proactive steps to guarantee that abortion is available and protected.
  • It seeks to ensure that abortions are legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy to protect the life or "health" of the mother. These terms are interpreted by the courts so broadly that they render no protection to the unborn. The Governor' bill ignores the state's legitimate interest in protecting the life of fully formed third-trimester children in the womb to say nothing of God's interest in it.
  • The bill allows post-viability abortions to be performed on an out-patient basis in clinics that are virtually unregulated by public health authorities thereby endangering both women and unborn children. The bill does not allow for the type of medical support necessary to assist a baby who might be born alive in the course of an abortion.
  • The bill removes New York's abortion related laws from the criminal code and places them in the public health law, leaving regulation of abortion solely up the the medical profession that makes millions of dollars a year from abortion. The bill eliminates all references to the homicide laws thereby denying that abortion is the killing of a human being.
  • The bill seeks to make abortion virtually immune from any state regulations or restriction. Parental notification for abortions performed on minor children, informed consent for pregnant women regarding the risks and alternatives to the procedure, and restrictions on taxpayer funding would not be permissible under the Governor's plan. All such regulations are completely permissible under Roe v Wade and subsequent U.S. Supreme Cour decisions, and the majority of states have enacted them. Thirty five states require parental involvement in a child's abortion decision, 32 states require counseling before an abortion is performed, and 32 states restrict Medicaid funding of abortion.
  • The bill would repeal the requirement in current law that says only doctors can perform abortions. The Governor's bill allows any health care practitioner and some non-health care practitioners to perform the procedure: a dentist, nurse, podiatrist, social worker, physician assistant, chiropractor, midwife, even an optometrist. This dangerous and extreme change clearly puts women's health at risk, and mirrors a national abortion strategy to expand the scope of various health care practitioners to specifically include abortion.
  • The bill seeks to eliminate conscience protection in current law by requiring every institution licensed or funded by the state -- including religious hospitals, agencies and schools -- to support abortion, provide coverage for abortion, or that allow abortions. It states "the state shall not discriminate" against the exercise of the fundamental right to abortion in the "provision of benefits, facilities, services or information."
  • It seeks to suppress all efforts to enact an "Unborn Victims of Violence Act" by refusing to recognize the unborn child as a second victim of crime in cases of assault against pregnant women.


On May 14th the Senate Rules Committee introduced this radical bill (S. 5829) and referred it to the Senate Health Committee. For the sake of pregnant women and their unborn children, this legislation must be strongly opposed!

Please communicate your strong opposition to this proposal. Write, call or email:

You can use our *Contact Our Government* Page for more contact info or you can communicate with your elected officials through the New York State Catholic Conference website at Click the *Take Action* button to bring you to an Action Alert already prepared on this vital issue.

The above information and the below information is almost verbatim from Kathleen Gallagher's NYS Pro-Life Reporter. She is an excellent writer.

3. The following are bills that should be supported.

  • S.5268 and A.8428 would limit the stem cell research projects to be funded by the Empire State Stem Cell Board and Trust Fund to those that have the greatest potential for near-term clinical benefit in human patients. If enacted, this provision would guarantee that adult stem cell research projects receive the bulk of state funding. (Hallelujah!!!!!!!) The bills sit in the respective Health Committees. Please urge your elected officials to support.
  • S.1265 would establish a public umbilical cord blood banking program within the NYS Department of Health. It now sits on the Senate Calendar awaiting a floor vote. This bill has passed the State Senate in a previous session and needs to be advanced in the State Assembly. In the house, the bill is numbered A.2915 and is sponsored by Assemblyman Joseph Lentol (D-Brooklyn). Please encourage Assemblyman Lentol to move the bill.
  • The "Fetal Pain Prevention Act" numbered S.3264/A.4430 has been referred to the respective Health Committees. The bill would require abortionists to inform women pregnant with a child of 20 or more gestational weeks with information of fetal pain. At the woman's request, the abortionist must administer anesthesia to eliminate the fetal pain during the abortion. Urge your elected officials to support these bills.

Please let your voice be heard. Make these phone calls and emails and/or letters now. The legislative session ends June 21st so please pray and act now. Our future depends on it.
