Sunday 17 June 2007

Emergency, Emergency!!!!!

A. 8590, the Same-Sex "Marriage" Act will be voted upon in the NYS Assembly this week.

You need to take immediate action!!!!

Even if you have already taken action in the past, reinforce it with another phone call or email.

The Empire Baptist Missionary Convention of New York, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, Coalition to Save Marriage in New York and the New York Family Policy Council were at the Capitol last Thursday to lobby against A .8590, the "same-sex marriage" bill. The following talking points are taken from various hand-outs from the above organizations.

1. God created marriage as the union of a man and a woman, therefore, the State of New York does not have the authority to redefine it or override His decision.

  • The State of New York recognized God and His authority over the lives of the citizens of New York in the Preamble of the New York State Constitution which states, "We the People of the State of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our Freedom, in order to secure its blessings, do establish this Constitution." (Who says we aren't a Christian nation?)
  • God created marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-5
2. Every survey taken of New York State's citizens shows that the majority of citizens oppose "same-sex marriage".
  • Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people.
  • With a majority of the PEOPLE being against "same-sex marriage", how can a representative, in good conscience, vote for A. 8590 and expect to be re-elected?

3. "Same-sex marriage" violates the freedom of conscience of millions of Christians, Jews and Muslims who would be forced into endorsing a behavior that is contrary to their beliefs.

  • Additionally, many non-religious people believe that homosexuality is morally wrong.
  • Furthermore, if passed into law, it would cause great confusion and damage to Christian, Jewish and Muslim children who would be taught in the schools that their religious objections to homosexuality are hateful and bigoted.
  • Business owners would be forced to subsidize and celebrate homosexuality, despite personally held beliefs.
4. Every adult citizen already has equal rights. Homosexuals don't need the extra rights they are asking for. They do not have the right to demand the State to endorse their Biblically condemned lifestyles.

  • Many homosexuals complain about lacking the benefits of marriage. Many of those benefits can be provided under existing New York State Laws. For example, hospitals allow patients to determine who can and cannot visit; health care directives and proxies can be established to give authority for medical decisions; power of attorney, wills and trusts can be made to bequeath money and property.

5. Same-sex marriage deprives children of a mother and a father.

  • Creating fatherless or motherless families by design hurts children.
  • "Same-sex marriages", civil unions or domestic partnerships opens the door for adoption. These liaisons have proven to be short lived. They lack the stability and the male and female role-models that are necessary for proper social, emotional and sexual development in children.
  • Children need both mothers and fathers. Therefore, the preferences of adults and the agendas of special interest groups must never take priority over the best interests of children.

6. Marriage is an already fragile institution which needs protection, not redefinition.

  • Adultery, pre-marital sex, no-fault divorce, co-habitation, and absentee fathers and mothers have already weakened marriages. Adding homosexuality to the mix will only further destabilize marriage and further weaken society as a whole.
  • In Europe, when homosexual marriage is legalized, the heterosexual marriage rates plummet, creating unstable and damaging environments for children.

7. In 2006, the New York State Court of Appeals affirmed that marriage in New York is the union of a man and a woman, and that this distinction is not discrimination or contrary to the New York State Constitution.

  • The Legislature found "rational reasons" for this restriction.
  • They ruled that this requirement is "reasonable" and not unconstitutional.

8. "Same-sex marriage" cheapens the real thing, hurts everybody -- causes all to suffer.

  • When government pretends that something is a marriage, when it is not, children are hurt; society is weakened; and anyone who objects is attacked.

9. A civil union is a legal mechanism by which same-sex couples receive rights and benefits identical to the rights and benefits given married couples under state law.

  • Simply put, civil unions are a thinly veiled attempt to gain public acceptance of "same-sex marriage" through calling it by a different name.
  • Legalized civil unions or domestic partnerships would cause the same disastrous effects on children, the family, and society as "same-sex marriage".

For the reasons stated above the New York Family Policy Council stands, together with the aforementioned organizations, against "same-sex marriage", civil unions, domestic partnerships, or any other arrangement conferring marriage-like rights and responsibilities upon same-sex partners.

Please pray that New York never legalizes "same-sex marriage", civil unions or domestic partnerships thus conferring upon them legitimacy and/or marriage-like rights.

Please call the NYS Assembly Switchboard (518.455.4100); give your zip code and they will connect you with your Representative's office; ask to speak to your Representative or a legislative aid; using the above talking points, talk to your Representative and strongly urge him/her to oppose the "same-sex marriage" bill, A. 8590; ask to be informed how he/she voted on this bill.

God's Speed Beloved~