Monday 11 June 2007

Take Action Against a 'Civil Union' Compromise

The the present Legislative Session ends on June 21st . We must Pray and Act today! Homosexual activists are pushing for a compromise bill that would grant gay and lesbian couples the same rights as married couples but they are not calling it 'same sex marriage'; they are calling it Civil Union. In New York we must stand against the tide. Civil Unions are now legal in Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New Jersey.

Last night at a church service at Loudonville Community Church, Rev. Duane Motley cited a one sentence bill which states that marriage is a union of a man and a woman, that bans gay marriage and civil unions and that refuses to recognize civil unions or gay marriages performed in other states. This is a DYNAMITE BILL!!!!! It is S. 2800. Please call your NYS Senator (Senate Switchboard 518.455.2800), ask to speak to a legislative aid, and strongly urge your Senator to support this legislation. (If you don't know who your Senator is, give the operator your zip code and they will tell you who he/she is and connect you with his/her office.) Ask to be notified as to how he/she voted. Email at:

As always, please pray before you call or email. Ask God to turn the heart of your Senator to favor this bill, to anoint you when you call, and to give you favor with those who answer the phone. Put on the Full Armor of God and cover the call with the Blood of Jesus.

Rev. Motley stated that many Republican Senators, pressured by the Gay Lobby and homosexual activists, are pushing for the passage of the Civil Union compromize bill before the end of the session. They believe they can keep everyone happy by voting for the compromise. We must pressure them in the other direction.

While you are on the phone making the above call in favor of S. 2800, also state that you are against gay marriage and civil unions. Insist that your Senator resist the gay lobby's effort to counterfiet marriage by calling it a Civil Union. Convince him/her that, if he/she votes in favor of a Civil Union Bill, you will not vote for him/her in the next election

Also, please contact Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno's office (518.455.3191) and ask him to stand firm on his commitment to defend marriage and to reject the proposed Civil Union Bill. Email at:

May God bless you.~~