Monday 4 June 2007

Stop Planned Parenthood 100 Million Dollar Windfall

ACLJ has an alert on their website. It appears that Congress is considering an increase in funding for Planned Parenthood to the tune of $100,000,000.00. Since last November's election and the loss of the pro-life majority, there is no longer a block for an increase in funding. Planned Parenthood has asked for $100 million dollars more to be added to its Title X funding for the next fiscal year. There is a good chance Planned Parenthood's request will be granted. This money, by law, cannot be used for abortions so that money will be to fund law suits against our pro-life efforts. Millions of our tax dollars will be used against us if this appropriation goes through.

What can we do? First pray that this does not happen. Pray for a tremendous petition drive. Then, go to, click on 'Legislative Alert' or 'sign a petition' and sign the petition to stop the Title X funding increase. Then download the petition and take it to your neighbors and to your church and, when it is full of signatures, mail it in.

If you haven't already signed the petition at, go to that site and sign that petition too.

Continue to pray for revival and restoration in America and in our churches.

Many blessings~~