Monday 18 June 2007

New York and Israel

New York
Pray and Take Action

The same-sex marriage bill is in the Judiciary Committee and will have been voted on by the time you read this message. A full Assembly vote will follow if approved by the committee.

Pray that same-sex marriage never becomes legal in New York.

Do warfare praying too by

  • covering the call, yourself and who you are going to be talking to with the Blood of Jesus;
  • asking for empowerment from the Holy Spirit;
  • breaking Satan's power, influence, authority and control over the situation;
  • loosing the power of the Holy Spirit upon your callee .
Read yesterday's blog and contact your Representative (518.455 .4100). Implore him/her to vote against same-sex marriage. Use the talking points from the blog (scroll down).

Call Sheldon Silver's office (518.455.3791) and tell him politely that you are opposed gay marriage. Use yesterday's blog for talking points.


Please sign a "Proclamation of Solidarity with Israel" at Jay Sekulo is in Israel and will be meeting with Israeli leaders. He wants to have thousands of signatures on the petition to show them that Christians support Israel.
