Sunday 2 March 2008

40 Days for Life Day 25

Pray that God will bless us with His gift of strength as we respond in obedience to His call.
Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.If you say, "surely we did not know this," does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?
-- Proverbs 24:11-12
In this age of technologically advanced communication, ignorance of human rights abuses isno excuse. We know there are persecuted Christians in China, there is genocide in Darfur, and there are babies aborted and women and families devastated right in our own communities. "But I can't save them all," you say. God isn't asking you to. He has equipped each of us with time, talent, and treasure to do what we can when He provides the opportunity. He has given us His Holy Spirit to empower us as we abide in Him. He is asking us to be on His side in speaking out and protecting those who can't protect themselves. When we are obedient to His calling to get in on the work He is doing, we will experience intimacy with Him in a whole new way. Our faith will increase as we see God at work! You have responded to His call during this 40 Days for Life campaign. Let your efforts be for His pleasure and His purposes. Pray without ceasing!
God Almighty, we pray for continued guidance andstrength as we intercede on behalf of the young women and their babies who are stumbling to the slaughter. Open the eyes of the mother's heart to see herchild as you do - a precious gift to be treasured.Let her feel Your loving arms around her and mayshe be assured that you have a plan and a future for her and her child. Give her reason not to enter the abortion clinic. Give her wisdom and discernment to find life options through a local pregnancy care center and may she boldly choose life. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer. Because of Your Son's sacrifice and in His Name we pray, Amen.

One more thing... Today, please keep the Dayton, Ohio 40 Days for Life in your prayers. They're standing vigil outside Martin Haskell's abortion facility. If that name rings a bell, it's because he the infamous abortionist who pioneered the technique that has come to be known as"partial-birth abortion." Haskell's facility just had its license to operate revoked by the State of Ohio on February 14, one week into 40 Days for Life! In addition, the State issued a cease and desist order on Wednesday, February 27, in response to the facility continuing operations in spite of having no license. A federal judge issued a temporary injunction allowing the facility to continue performing abortions for only 10 more days, and further hearings are expected this coming week. Pray hard! This development is the result of years of prayer and work by local pro-lifers in Dayton, and it would be a significant, highly visible victory if Haskell's facility is forced to close down -- especially if it happens during 40 Daysfor Life!

Yours for Life,
David Bereit
National Campaign Director
40 Days for Life
