Monday 31 March 2008

'Religion of Blackism'

Most people I know, perhaps you could say 'typical white people', were shocked, surprised and saddened to hear the hate mongering of Rev. Jeremiah Wright masquerading as a sermon in a Christian Church. The more I heard the more astounded I became. Rev. Wright's thoughts and speech certainly are not based on the Scripture and do much to destroy the progress we have made in Black/White race relations. Both Black Liberation Theology and the KKK are on equal footing and are equally repugnant. Below is an article from 'OneNewsNow' that expresses my feelings on the subject.

OneNewsNow - 3/31/2008 11:30:00 AM
African-American minister accuses civil rights leaders of promoting 'religion of blackism'
Allie Martin -

Black pastor and author Bishop E.W. Jackson says many African-American civil rights leaders promote anti-Biblical ideas like those espoused by Senator Barack Obama's former pastor.

A minister in Virginia and a former high-level official in the Christian Coalition, Bishop Jackson says while most black pastors do not promote the views of Dr. Jeremiah Wright, there are some civil rights activists who want to encourage division among the races.

Jackson calls the mindset of many civil rights leaders 'the religion of blackism.' "I call it a religion because really what it says is...the ultimate reality is one's race – in this case being black," he maintains. "They are going to be sorely disappointed when they find out the color of your skin has nothing to do with you getting into heaven. It's rather whether you have submitted yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ."

Christian voters, Jackson believes, must not sit out the upcoming presidential election -- whether their top choice for president is on the ballot or not. He says it is vital for Christians to call the nation back to God's holy standards, and according to Jackson, voting is one way to do that. "A vote is an offering up to God," he continues. "I believe that we must give an account for what we do politically and what public policies we support in the same way that we must give an account for how we treat people and how we behave in our private and personal lives." Jackson believes everyone is free to vote his or her own conscience. However, he points out that both Democratic presidential hopefuls support abortion rights and special rights for homosexuals.

I am in full agreement, even though we may not have the "perfect candidate" to vote for we certainly will have the "perfect candidate" to vote against. Now more than ever, Christians must be involved in the political process. If you have not registered to vote, do so immediately. If you have moved, changed your name or want to change your political party, you must re-register. The future of our nation depends on it.

Shalom, dear ones