Friday 29 February 2008

40 Days for Life Day 24

Pray that we may realize the generational impact of abortion.
Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife because she was barren; and the Lord granted his prayer and Rebekah his wife conceived. The children struggled together within her, and she said," If it is thus, why do I live?" So she went to inquire of the Lord. And the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger."-- Genesis 25:21-23
What an answer to prayer! Who dares to say that the unborn are not human,with distinct personality and character right from the moment of conception? This account emphasizes the vitality and uniqueness of the twins who, because of Isaac's prayer for his wife, were conceived in Rebekah's womb. When Rebekah was told by the Lord that the older would serve the younger twin, God already knew that Jacob and Esau would lead turbulent and conflicted lives. God knows us and knows all about us, including our personality and disposition long before we are actually born, indeed, from the moment we are conceived in our mother's womb. What a tragedy of gargantuan proportions that babies, planned and endowed by the Creator, with distinct and unique personalities and with, perhaps, a future and destiny intended for greatness, have their lives snuffed out by cruel abortionists before they ever see the light of day! May our prayers that the dreadful scourge of abortion in our land may vanish be as fervent as Isaac's were for Rebekah.
O, God, you formed us in our mother's womb and planned a unique and special life and purpose for each of us, and we do thank you. Grant that we may pray and work for an end to abortion, especially in these 40 days, so that no unborn baby you have made may fail to achieve your divine intention for him or her because of intentional abortion. We pray this for the sake of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and in His Holy Name. Amen.

Let's make this February 29 a leap day that we'll still remember four years from now!
Yours for Life,
David Bereit
National Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

P.S.- CONGRATULATIONS to Virginia State Sen. Ken Cuccinelli who took a leap of faith to introduce an amendment to strip tax funding from abortion giant Planned Parenthood in his state. Wednesday's vote was tied at 20 to 20 before Lt. Governor Bill Bolling cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of the amendment! The final state budget will be decided over the next week, and it is very likely that the Planned Parenthood amendment will now be part of the budget negotiations. We're all quick to complain when things go wrong in our culture. Now let's send a resounding thank you to Sen. Cuccinelli and Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling for taking such a bold "leap." No matter where in the country you live, this action is a big boost for the fight against Planned Parenthood. Please e-mail these men and congratulate them for their courage:
* LT. GOVERNOR BILL BOLLING: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
