Sunday 2 March 2008

40 Days for Life Day 26

Pray that we fully recognize in the unborn child our brother, our sister, and we recommit ourselves to care for them.
Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?""I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?" The Lord said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."-- Genesis 4:8-10
After Cain committed the first murder in human history, God asked him, "Where is your brother?" He replied by saying, "I don't know." In 1973, the Supreme Court was asked the same question, and gave the same answer. Unable to admit that the unborn children are our brothers and sisters, the Supreme Court said in its Roe v. Wade ruling, "We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins." Boil all that down to three words, and it's, "I don't know." The question, "Where is your brother?" will be asked at the final judgment. Each person will answer it and be judged by it. May we be judged to have recognized and loved all our brothers and sisters, born and unborn. By participating in the 40 Days for Life, we have been answering that question each day, going to where our brothers and sisters are killed, and proclaiming that we have a responsibility to them. By all the pro-life work we will continue to do, we likewise answer that question which reaches from one end of human history to the other.
Father, today we hear your voice, and we respond to the question you ask each of us: "Where is your brother?" We recognize in the unborn child our brother, our sister, and we recommit ourselves today to care for them. Yes, Father, you have entrusted us to the care of one another. We rejoice that you have given us the grace to respond. As we work to renew our culture, we look forward to the great day of the coming of your Son, when every eye will see him, even of those who pierced him, and every knee shall bend, and every tongue confess, to the glory of God the Father, that Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen.
My family is in awe of the tireless efforts of the courageous people we are meeting while traveling across the Northeastern part of America... Yesterday began in West Chester, Pennsylvania, where close to 100 people processed together to the local Planned Parenthood abortion center to pray in the cold, brisk air. Then we drove to Woodbridge, New Jersey, and joined the 40 Days for Life effort as large snowflakes fell. After that we participated in a snowy 40 Days for Life candlelight vigil in Garnerville, New York with a group of dedicated prayer warriors. We're now en route to Massachusetts where later today we'll join the 40 Days for Life campaigns in Methuen and Worcester. Everywhere we go, we are inspired by the passion and dedication of the people we meet. We are honored and humbled to serve along side so many other faithful servants dedicated to speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves!

Yours for Life,
David Bereit
National Campaign Director
40 Days for Life
