Wednesday 9 May 2007

Political Activism Takes Time

Hi, Everyone
Those of you who visit our website and visit my blog must realize something by now. Political Activism takes time. If we tithe our time, we should spend at least 4 hours a week doing things for the Lord. That's based on a 40 hour work week. Four hours a week would be long enough to read and respond to the issues about 4 to 5 times a week. Some of you could probably get more mileage out of the four hours but when you start looking into the matter at hand on more than one website time can slip away. The question is: IS IT WORTH THE EFFORT IT TAKES TO FOLLOW THE LORD'S COMMAND TO "OCCUPY TILL I RETURN"? I hope your answer is YES!!!!
You may have noticed that the issues change rapidly and if you don't respond immediately to an issue, next week or even in a couple of days: the issue may already have been voted on and now you need to contact your elected official and tell them how you feel about how they voted since you didn't tell them how you wanted them to vote in the first place or the feed to the issue is now dead or the issue is no longer on the top of the the hosts Home Page but buried at the bottom of a long list and is very hard to find or has vanished altogether or another burning issue seems much more important and you don't have time to deal with the original issue. Don't ask me how I know these things, I just do. The point I'm trying to make is: we need to be diligent and respond immediately to the issues as we become aware of them.
The reason I bring all this up is we are living in a time of extreme pressure from the minions of darkness. The culture war we are engaged in is the most critical and important war we have been in since our fight for independence from England. Today we are fighting to be independent from Satan and his laws and his ways. Presently, our Christian faith and Biblical values are being attacked daily and we have lost a lot of ground. Increasingly we have been pushed to the margins of society. Organizations like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and Gay Activists have successfully pushed their agendas forward while we have silently sat by. Incredibly, some Christians don't even realize the homosexual life style and agenda pose any real threat to our society. They couldn't be more mistaken. In Massachusetts where 'gay marriage' has been legalized, parents have been jailed for not wanting their children to read the books being used in the schools that promote the gay life style. Once it's legal, textbooks and library books that promote and normalize the homosexual life style will be and are being used and assigned for reading in elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. It is estimated that about 2% of the population is gay. Some have said 1 in 10. I don't know which statistic is true. What I do know is the homosexual community is extremely active in promoting homosexuality and indoctrinating children to accept and to try it out. They don't want acceptance, they want to swallow our way of life and replace it with theirs. We have to wake up and stand against this before its too late. When you see the men of Sodom surrounding Lot's house and demanding to have sex with the angels inside the house, you get a picture of what our fate will like be if we legalize 'homosexual marriage' - only it won't be angels they will be after, it will be our children and our grandchildren and our husbands. One gay man once told me he had had sex with lots of married men.
The shocking erosion of America's moral and spiritual foundations is evidenced by the following statistics. Since 1962 when our moral decline began with the Supreme Court outlawing prayer from the public schools:
* The violent crime rate has increased 550%
* Birth to unwed mothers are up 500%
* The teenage suicide rate has tripled.
* The divorce rate is up 350%
Subsequently, Bibles and the Ten Commandments have also been banned, crosses and nativity scenes have been banned. Anti-Christian bigotry abounds and our Christian voice and presence have all but been silenced and expunged from our culture.
We must redouble our efforts so we can win the culture war and restore our nation to its Christian Heritage and Biblical Foundations. The First Amendment gives us the right to freely express our faith. We must be willing to pray and to act to save the country we love and the God honoring way of life we once had. May God help us.
Log on to,,,,,,,, and daily to sign petitions and get the information you need to call your Senators and Representatives. Make time to pray for the ACLU and PP to be defunded. Pray before you call your elected officials and pray for New York and for America. Spend your four hours wisely.
This is important:
There are two days left to sign the petition against the "Freedom of Choice" Act. The day after the Supreme Court upheld the ban on partial-birth abortion, the "Freedom of Choice" Act was introduced to counteract the Supreme Court decision. The Bills are H.R. 1964 and S 1173. They want to replace the ban on partial-birth abortion with a ban of federal regulation of abortion. An absolute outrage. Go online and sign the petition. Pray as never before that the "Freedom of Choice" Act will never get out of committee and never get passed. Call your Representative and Senators Schumer and Clinton and tell them what you think. The President has promised to veto the Bills. Sixty six votes are needed for an override; they have only 62. Pray that doesn't change. Call President Bush and thank him for his decision to veto the bill. Good work.