Tuesday 8 May 2007

Hate Crimes

Well, the House of Representatives did itself proud and voted to pass Hate Crimes bill, HR 1529, which in essence makes it illegal for any discrimination real or imagined against a gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender individual. It is a bill against Christian expression and Christian values. In Canada and Sweden the type of prosecution (persecution) this bill allows for has already taken place.

If you didn't call your representative before this vote, please call him/her now and tell him/her how disappointed you are in their vote.

The Senate is now getting ready to vote on a similar bill sponsored by Ted Kennedy. Please call your U.S. Senators and tell them to vote against the Hate Crimes bill.

Go to AFA, ACLJ, Citizen Link, ADF or your favorite activist link and get talking points and /or sign an email. Use our Links Page to find these sites.
