Thursday 17 May 2007

Grassroots Gag Order Alert

[Praise God!!!!! This bill has been killed in Committee!!!]

Our new congress has been busy, very busy. They introduce bill after bill to silence grassroots political involvement because: a) They don't have time to read all the emails, letters and telephone messages from their voter base. b) They don't have time to answer all the emails, letters and telephone messages from you and other concerned citizens. c) They have to hire extra staff to handle all the troublesome feedback from their constituents. d) They don't care what the folks back home who voted for them want them to do. e) They don't remember what wild campaign promises they made and are hoping you don't remember either. f) They didn't really mean it when they made the campaign promises that they remember making. g) They think the big business lobbyists know best. h) They believe all the lies the big business lobbyists pass off as truth and want to rely on them for their view of reality. i) They think their constituents are a bunch of uneducated hicks. j) All of the above. k) Most of the above. l) Some of the above.

Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people. The continual stream of efforts to stifle grassroots activism is unamerican and unconstitutional. The latest assault is coming from the House of Representatives in the form of H.R. 2093, a bill introduced by Reps. Marty Meehan (D-Mass) and Chris Shays (R-Conn). The bill is scheduled to be voted on by May 22. Focus on the Family Action reports:

  • The Meehan-Shays amendment would regulate paid efforts to encourage citizens to contact their elected representatives.
  • By redefining what a "lobbying firm" is, the Meehan-Shays amendment would create a congressional database of individuals and organizations that keep the American people informed about important issues being considered in Washington.
  • The new red tape would impact groups like NYFPC, Focus on the Family Action, and most of the organizations on our Links Page, but would exempt labor unions, corporations, and other membership organizations -- as well as activist billionaires like George Soros. [OUTRAGEOUS]
  • Groups affected by this bill would be required to submit quarterly reports to Congress, disclosing how much money was spent to update Americans about what their elected officials were doing.
  • This brand of "lobbying reform" would not prevent events like the Abramoff lobbying scandal -- but it would infringe on the rights of concerned citizens to make their voices heard in the halls of power.
  • This amendment would stifle every aspect of the First Amendment by infringing on rights to freedom of speech, press, association/assembly, petitioning and religion.
  • The Meehan-Shays amendment would impose penalties for failure to comply. While the exact details are unknown at this time, we can expect them to be up to $200,000 in fines and up to 10 years in prison. [ Information from Focus on the Family Action]

Pray and Act

Pray about the issue and about your response to the issue.

Go to the FOTF website for updates on this bill and ways you can make your voice heard. Sign their "Freedom of Speech" petition at the following website:

Call (202) 225.5076 and ask to speak to your Representative. If you don't know who he/she is tell the operator your zip code and she will tell you who your Representative is and connect you to his/her office.

  • Ask to speak to the Legislative Assistant
  • Urge him/her you "oppose the Meehan-Shay (H.R. 2093) Amendment to the lobbying reform bill".
  • Tell them you "oppose the idea of Congress regulating the efforts of grassroots groups and Christian organizations that provide you with information about what is going on in Congress".
  • Say that you would like to receive a written response explaining the representative's position. The staff person should take down your mailing address.

We can and must act. Passivity is no longer an option.


Praise God!!!!!! This Bill has been killed in Committee!!!!!!!