Friday 4 April 2008

McDonalds supports Gay Agenda

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Pink arches? McDonald's buys into homosexual agenda
Jeff Johnson -
OneNewsNow - 4/4/2008 12:00:00 PM

All it takes is the smell of those fries, the taste of a Happy Meal, or the sight of the Golden Arches to know that you've arrived at McDonald's. But the founder of the American Family Association says the restaurant chain has turned its attention away from inexpensive food and toward a potentially costly political agenda.

With 30,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries, you can get your chicken McNuggets fix just about anywhere. Rev. Don Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association, says McDonald's' success can be attributed to their choice to market to one American institution. "McDonald's caters to the family," Wildmon says. "They put emphasis on the children." But the pro-family leader says the world's largest fast-food restaurant chain is branching out into a new business -- promoting the homosexual agenda. "McDonald's ... has given a significant amount of money, I might mention, to become a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce," Wildmon explains. "Among the many other things that the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce promotes is hate crimes [legislation], the ENDA [Employment Non-Discrimination Act]. [T]hey're dedicated to pushing the homosexual agenda." In exchange for the donation, a McDonald's senior executive has been placed on the board of the pro-homosexual group. Wildmon says the chain's decision is baffling. "And this is so strange, because it's the family that McDonald's appeals to -- children's playland, you know, all the little toys, all of that," Wildmon shares. "And they are promoting a lifestyle that would utterly destroy the traditional family." The American Family Association wants to talk with McDonald's, but the company is not returning Wildmon's calls. In the meantime, he says the group is not calling for a boycott. But he is encouraging McDonald's' customers to take action (see AFA's Action Alert). "If a person really wants to make an impact," Wildmon encourages, "call your local McDonald's and say, 'As long as you are members of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, I'm going to have to seriously consider whether or not I'm going to continue to come to your restaurant and bring my family to your restaurant.'"

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Is the decision by McDonald's to help fund homosexual activism
enough for you and your family to start eating at another fast-food restaurant? Vote in our poll
Wildmon says that, since three-fourths of McDonald's restaurants are owned by franchisees, if local customers contact the restaurant owners, those owners could be persuaded to call the corporate headquarters and discourage involvement with homosexual activist organizations like the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. "That person locally probably, may be sympathetic with us," Wildmon concludes. "And, if enough of those local managers get the word and they call McDonald's national, then there's a possibility McDonald's will change their stance in all of this." The AFA founder notes that two years ago, Wal-Mart joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. But after AFA representatives discussed the matter with Wal-Mart officials, the company allowed their position on the Chamber's board to expire -- and according to Wildmon, Wal-Mart is no longer a member of the NGLCC.

Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates

God Bless America and Shalom~~