Saturday 12 April 2008


The ACLU is one of the greatest threats to the family and our Christian way of life. Their agenda is to promote gay marriage and the gay life style, to promote abortion at all stages of pregnancy, to expunge all Christian influence and presence from the public and political arenas. They have millions of dollars at their disposal and much of that comes from taxpayer's pockets. We are supporting with our tax dollars an organization that is dedicated to destroying the our nation's foundations and our religious heritage.

Please read the excerpts below from a letter from Matt Staver, the Founder and Chairman of the Liberty Council. I pray that you will be moved to pray for the de-funding and dissolution of the ACLU. We must ask God to Smite and destroy the ACLU and it's influence on our society.

Matt Staver States:

"The unavoidable fact is that the ACLU must be exposed, defunded and defeated if the Nation is to retain any semblance of our founding principles! And although the ACLU's attack on marriage is receiving a significant portion of their seemingly limitless resources and manpower, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their long-term agenda.

For instance, the ACLU is determined that your children and grandchildren MUST have the right to Internet pornography. They defend the right of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) to rape little boys. And they are trying their best to get "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.

But this bare touches the scope of the ACLU's subversive plan that is constantly undermining the values and principles our Founding Fathers set forth for this Nation. They have put together a highly coordinated network of regional, state and local lawyers that receive extravagant funding for striking strategic blows against communities like yours and mine.

Here's how it usually works: ACLU attorneys bully their way into local city council chambers and school board meetings, terrorizing communities and their God-fearing citizens into accepting their anti-Christian agenda. In many ways, the ACLU has fully succeeded in convincing local authorities across the Nation that resistance is futile!

Tragically, the mere mention of the well-funded ACLU strikes fear in government circles, school boards and corporate boardrooms. Since they too often perceive little chance of defeating the ACLU, officials tend to back down with out putting up a fight. Then, you and I end up paying the price by having our freedoms and rights stripped away!

For years, the ACLU has coercively bullied under-funded targets (at taxpayer expense!) in a thinly veiled scheme to remove any trace of religion or morality from government and public life. And for years they've prevailed."

We must prevail against the ACLU. Our greatest weapon is PRAYER. Much prayer, much power; little prayer, little power. We must storm heaven with prayer asking God to defund and destroy the ACLU. Our National Morality and our way of life is at stake. PLEASE PRAY.

God Bless America and Shalom~