Friday 11 April 2008

Are We the Fallen Away Church?

In view of the times, with Biblical prophecies coming true before our very eyes, we must consider a sobering thought. Are we the fulfilment of the church that has fallen away, become lukewarm, and lacking in love? When you consider that about 1% or less of the church population will show up for a prayer meeting, maybe we are.

Click on this link and read a thought provoking article about the great falling away. Scroll down and find his article, "Could the apostasy be upon us?", under the Most Popular heading.

Could the apostasy be upon us?
Steve Gallagher - Guest Columnist - 4/11/2008 7:30:00 AM

Steve Gallagher is the founder and president of Pure Life Ministries.
This column appears in that ministry's Spring 2008 issue of "Unchained!".

Pray for revival in America and in the churches.

God Bless America and Shalom~