Saturday 2 February 2008

February 5th Primary Day

Super Tuesday is upon us. If for any reason you cannot vote in the Super Tuesday primary elections, RUN to the voter registration link on our Home Page and register!!! It is too late to register in time to vote on Super Tuesday but, it is SOOOO important that you register NOW so you CAN vote in the November elections!!!!!

PRAY: for candidates that are God-fearing, pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-family to get each parties nomination and be supported and find favor and ultimately be elected in all local, state, and national campaigns. Pray against media and special interest manipulation and against dirty tricks from succeeding during this election cycle. Ask God to expose corruption, immorality, bribery, the occult, and hidden anti-biblical agendas and pray that the electorate will not vote for those who practice the same. PRAY that all Christians will register to vote and will participate in the election process.

The New York Family Policy Council exists to reaffirm and promote the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built. Use the information below to cast an educated vote.

Obama & Clinton, Huckabee, Romney, McCain

On abortion:
pro-choice, pro-life, pro-life, pro-life

On Federal Marriage Protection Ammendment:
Opposed, Supports, Supports, Opposed

On Embryonic Stem Cell Research Taxpayer funding
that destroys Human Embryos:

Supports, Opposed, Opposed, Supports

On appointing Originalist Judges to Federal
Courts: Opposed, Supports, Supports, Supports

On Taxes: Pledge not to raise Taxes:
Not Signed, Signed, Signed, Not Signed

On Iraq: Immediate Troop Withdrawal:
Supports, Opposed, Opposed, Opposed

On drilling oil in ANWR:
Opposed, Supports, Supports, Opposed

Clinton & Obama, Huckabee, Romney, McCain

On Illegal Immigration support beyond emergency care:
Supports, Supports, Opposed, Supports

On Education: No Child Left Behind:
Opposed, Supports, Supports, Supports

On Health Care: Health Savings Accounts:
Opposes, Supports, Supports, Supports

On Secure Borders:
Obama Supports, Clinton no info,
Huckabee no info, Romney, McCain Support

*This information was obtained from Advance USA a
This is information only, not an endorsement of any candidate.
The New York Family Policy Council neither endorses nor opposes candidates or political parties.
