Wednesday 14 November 2007

More to Pray and Take Action About

We are back from Minnesota for awhile. There are many important things for us to pray about and take action on.

The Freedom of Choice Act is in the House Judiciary Committee. Please pray that bill never becomes a law. Start making weekly phone calls to your Representative asking him/her to vote against the bill. If this bill were ever to become law, legalizing tax supported abortion up to the day of delivery, I believe a rapid and devastating judgment from God would be released upon our nation.

Please pray for a Candidate who supports Biblical values to be nominated for President and to be elected as President. Ask God for a President that will stand for Biblical solutions for the problems facing our nation. One that will lead in righteousness, honesty and strength. Pray for godly candidates to be elected to fill every vacancy and to replace the unrighteous.

You have probably heard about Darfur but you may not know a lot about it. There is a great website: that has the history of the problem and many other articles about Darfur. Be in the know. Check it out.

Please visit the daily sites on the blog sidebar. This will help you as you seek to become a Christian activist. The nation needs to hear your voice.
