Saturday 17 November 2007

Prayer Changes Things/God Sends Rain

God seems to be waiting for us to acknowledge His sovereignty and His willingness to answer prayer. As SW Radio Church has always said, "God is still on the Throne and prayer changes things." God, our loving problem solver, and source of all blessing, is just waiting to hear from each one of us. Below is an account of answered prayer which was found on Intercessors for America's Friday Watch.

Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and hundreds of citizens cried out to God for rain on the steps of the state Capitol Tuesday, "Father, forgive us and lead us to honor you as you honor us with the showers of blessing," the governor prayed. "Thank you, Lord, for the showers that come." Georgians and their Governor, Sonny Purdue, lifted up prayers for rain at the State Capital in Atlanta this past Tuesday. Thankfully, the forecast changed in less than 24 hours and the rain came Wednesday evening. "This is hopefully the beginning of more," Perdue said. "One rain won't refill the reservoirs. It is great affirmation of what we asked for." Perdue was also joined by Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle in appealing to the heavens for rain. "This isn't the first day he's been on his knees in prayer for rain," Cagle said of Perdue. "This is not a ceremony. It's an action of calling the entire state to pray." "We've come together here simply for one reason and one reason only: To very reverently and respectfully pray up a storm," Perdue said when he approached the podium after worship had quieted down. "It's time to appeal to Him who can and will make a difference," Perdue said. Lawmakers and ministers joined the governor for the morning prayer vigil.

The Georgian governor is not the first governor to hold a call for public prayer during the drought stripping the Southeast. Alabama Governor Bob Riley issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times of difficulty."(CBN News, Christianity Today) WATCH VIDEO OF PRAYER "

Keep praying and Shalom~~~

Please continue to pray against the Hate Crimes bill. The government should not grant special rights based on gender identity, sexual orientation, or "perceived" gender identity. This bill has far reaching ramifications for the family, school curriculum, employment, and religious freedom.