Saturday 14 June 2008

Is Obama Really a Bible Believing Christian?

Obama Campaign Scrambling in Wake of Evangelist Questioning if He is Really a Christian
ST. PETERSBURG, Florida, June 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Senator Barack Obama's campaign team is scrambling to do damage control in the wake of the national story two weeks ago when the world's leading Internet evangelist Bill Keller of Liveprayer, questioned in a widely distributed Op-ed article, YouTube video, and Daily Devotional to his 2.4 million subscribers whether Senator Obama was really a Christian.

Keller questioned the authenticity of Senator Obama's faith in Christ due to the fact he has stated there are "many paths to God" when orthodox Christianity clearly teaches that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved. Additionly, he supports of killing babies who survive an abortion, supports abortion, supports gay marriage, and supports giving away part of Israel to the Palestinians, all contrary to Christian teachings according to the Bible.

In response to Keller's assertions, the Obama campaign has launched the Joshua Generation Project, concentrating on young Christian rather than older Christians who are unlikely to support someone who advocates killing babies and gay marriage. Also, last week Senator Obama had a private meeting in Chicago with a handpicked selection of evangelicals who were allowed to ask him any question, but were forbidden to share his answers with the press or in any public forum. So much for freedom of the press and public access. What's he hiding?

Lastly, was the launch of a new campaign website designed to counter the rumors and false information being spread on the Internet. On that website, he again reaffirms his claim to be a Christian, but fails to address ANY of the questions about his statements and actions Keller raised which calls into question whether he really is a Christian or not.

Keller stated, "I have asked the Senator to sit down with me on camera and answer these important questions that have made people doubt if he really is a Christian. Despite repeated calls, emails, and letters to his campaign office, they have not even had the decency to respond.

It is evident that Senator Obama will not sit down with someone who will ask him the right questions which require simple yes and no answers, opting instead to continue to hide in forums where he can market himself a Christian and not be held accountable for his beliefs and actions."

God Bless America and Shalom~~~