Tuesday 3 June 2008

Any Body Seen a Fence?

This is an email from Steve at Grassfire.com

In less than two weeks, you and I have an incredible opportunity to help stimulate and push forward legislation that could ensure our borders are secured. The Fence By Date Certain Act is a critical piece of legislation that would restore the original mandates in the Secure Fence Act--most notably the promise to build 800 miles of double layered fencing.

As of this update, less than 13 miles of double layered fencing has been erected! This is unacceptable to me, and it should be to you as well. Not long ago, President Bush, after touring the crime-ridden streets of Yuma, Arizona, pledged to purge the city of illegal aliens, violent gangs and drug smugglers. He succeeded by building a double-layered fence--similar to what we were all promised!

On June 10, Ron De Jong and I will be in Washington, to present petitions to key House leaders, during our national press event, I will take to the podium--with petitions in hand, and I will demand the President do for us what he did in Yuma--but I need your immediate help!

To sign a petition click here:
http://www.grassfire.com I believe this could be our most important petition presentation. That'swhy I'm eager for EVERY one take action with me--to help push this vital legislation forward. With your help, I'm confident that we will reach and possibly even surpass 250,000 citizen signers!

After signing, forward this message to 25-35 friends and family urging them to take action by signing our petition demanding the fence be built as promised. This is a great opportunity for us to bring home our message of REAL border security, and I'm counting on you, to take strong action leading to our presentation. Thank you for taking fast action with me.

This is an important issue. Unless we are victorious now, it will be too late in the future because of NAFTA. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION. Thank you.

God Bless America and Shalom ~