Tuesday 16 October 2007

Que Passa, Amigo? Can I Drive A Car?????

Elliot Spitzer has come out with some astounding policies: Gay Marriage; Unlimited, legally unchallengeable Abortion up to 9 months gestation; and now Drivers Licenses for Illegals. Isn't there a three strikes you're out rule??? Oh, that's right. It's in baseball.

On an up note, Governor Davis of California also wanted to give Illegals drivers licenses. The good people of California created such an uproar that the bill did not pass and Governor Davis was removed from office. Will history repeat itself in New York???? I wonder.

While we were on vacation, we were driving in the car late at night (don't ask, we had a few crazy days) and could only find a limited number of radio stations we could pick up in the Massachusetts mountains. WGY, 810 AM, was one of the stations we could get. There are some really great talk radio programs on at night on WGY. Rolly someone or other has a terrific program on from 10:00 PM to 12:00 Midnight. The topic of the night was on Governor Spitzer's desire to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses. There are many, many reasons that we shouldn't do that but I'll just highlight a few.
1. These people are in our country illegally. We should not reward illegal behavior by giving them the right to drive.
2. A driver's license not only gives the owner the right to drive, but also bestowes on them certain rights and privileges that a citizen enjoys.
3. Border checks of those without a valid driver's license allows a search to be made of the car. These searches have revealed weapons and drugs according to the Buffalo, NY police. If Illegals who are smuggling weapons or drugs have driver's licenses, they can not be legally searched. Although, I know I have been asked to open my trunk and have had some bags searched in the past when coming back from Canada to the U.S. in the past. I didn't know it was illegal for them to do that. Canada has never checked anything of mine.
4. If NY begins giving Illegals driver's licenses, they will flock to New York and will increase crowding in our schools, increase the costs of education our children, and increase school taxes to pay for the increased enrollment. They will not add a whole lot of money to our tax base. We will have increased welfare costs and increased medical costs.
5. The argument that we will know where they are, does not ameliorate the increased problems we will have. Not all will apply for a driver's license, so that is not the best way to find out where they are. The best way is to secure our borders, give Legals green cards or equivalent ID, have them become citizens, speak English and have social security cards. Big business is a problem as always, because they like to pay Illegals less money and keep them secret. Prosecuting big businesses that hire Illegals is always a good idea.
6. Because we have aborted so many citizens, we do not have a sufficient labor force and that is what dives the lack of interest in enforcing the existing laws and having a rational policy on immigration. If we need more workers, lets have them come into the country in a legal orderly way and process them adequately as was done to European Immigrants at Ellis Island.
7. I have heard an irrational argument that the Mexicans who enter the country illegally are analogous to the Pilgrims. How ludicrous. There was no organized, centralized Government in existence when the Pilgrims came over. We now have a thriving, society with a centralized Government.

One suggestion presented was to create a document of less value than an actual drivers license -- a document that would not be able to be used for identification or bestow any legal rights to the holder other that the permission to drive a car on U.S. streets. I may not see the pitfalls to this plan. It struck me as a possible cure to the problem Illegals have -- getting transportation to their job. I don't know all the answers to the problem, but I think giving Illegals a valid NY Driver's License is a very big mistake.

Please call Governor Spitzer's office, 518.474.8390, and tell them what you think. Also call your local Representatives, 518.455.4100. and Senators, 518.455.2800, and tell them what you think.

Blessings to All~~~