Wednesday 31 October 2007

The Freedom Of Choice Act = TERROR!!!!!!!!

Brothers and Sisters,

The Freedom of Choice Act is a abomination from hell. It is the brain child of our liberal 110th congress. Their back lash to the pro-life victories we have had is so vicious and hideous that it is sickening to even talk about it. The Liberals of the 110th Congress seem to have an incredibly callous disregard for life, a total disregard for the child growing in the womb and an insatiable desire to murder the unborn. They are oblivious to the Commandment which states: Thou Shalt Not Kill. Instead these Liberals are hell-bent on making it legal to kill a child at any and every stage of pregnancy. The "milk of human kindness" evidently was the missing ingredient in their childhoods.

If the Freedom of Choice Act is passed it would wipe out every pro-life gain we have made since Roe v Wade became law. It would overturn the Ban on Partial Birth Abortion that the Supreme Court upheld in April 2007 -- earlier this year. If passed this bill would eliminate any recourse in the courts and put an end to future legislation to amend or rescind this law. The Freedom of Choice Act would guarantee the right of every woman to have an abortion up to and including the 9th month of pregnancy, right up to delivery. It would, in effect, add the Right to Abortion to our Bill of Rights. Rather than abortion on demand, we would have abortion on request. This bill also guarantees that abortions would be paid for with our tax dollars. It bars our government from restricting funding for abortions.

It's hard to believe that liberals would dare to propose such a wicked bill when more than 70% of our population is against abortion. The liberals are ignoring the fact that Americans are Pro-life. The 70% of us who are pro-life had better stand up and speak up and pray up so this bill never becomes law in America. The Freedom of Choice Act is unbridled brutality against unborn children and it must be killed before it sees the light of day. We cannot let this bill ever be made into law. If this bill were ever actually to become the law of our land, I believe our fate would be sealed and God's mighty hand of judgment would swiftly descend upon us. We who know right from wrong must act swiftly and in unity.

What can you do????
Pray that this bill never becomes law. Set the Blood of Jesus against this bill. Ask God to smite this bill.
Call your Representative and implore him/her to vote against this bill
Call the Center for Moral Clarity at 1.800.942.1974 to be added to a petition against this bill. You will not be asked for a donation if you press the right menu number.
Tell your friends about this issue and urge them to make the same phone calls you did.

Many blessings to you as you take responsibility for restraining wickedness in our land.
Shalom to all~~~