Monday 23 July 2007

Prayer Alert: Stand By Israel subtitle: (avoid severe judgment)

Gary Bauer, president of American Values, and the New York Family Policy Council urge Christians to take a stand for Israel.

The United States is in danger of following a course of action that will ultimately result in the most severe judgment of God to be poured out in a greater degree than we are already seeing. What are we seeing you may ask. Well, there is drought in many states, the lakes in WI are at an all time low. We are having forest fires, tornadoes, floods, heat waves and other natural events in greater numbers and more frequently than before. The bees whom we rely upon to pollinate our crops have vanished. Einstein predicted that we could not survive four years without bees. Gas prices are high, food prices are gaining.

We have an extremely large national debt and trade deficit. We have been classified as a debtor nation and have a 3rd rate status financially among the nations. Yes, we are classified as a debtor nation. We have spent a tremendous amount of money giving aid to Palestinians who are Israel's enemy, we are spending tremendous amounts of money on the war in Iraq, while we have a tremendous number of people without health insurance here in the U.S. These are all signs of judgment from the Lord.

The Baker report, which until recently President Bush has resisted, contains the recommendation that we divide up Israel for peace in Iraq. Israel is our strongest ally and if we go along with the Baker Report's recommendations, we are in for major judgment. President Bush has asked for Peace Talks between Israel and Palestine. We must pray that President Bush does not agree to divide Israel or Jerusalem.

The ultimate judgement comes for those who divide up Israel. Joel 3:2 states that whoever is guilty of dividing up Israel will come under judgement.;&version=31 We are already guilty for agreeing to give the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. It has become a haven for terrorists.

Evangelicals Urged to Defend Israel
American Values' staff reports:

"[Pressure to give up land is a "move in the wrong direction."

More than 3,000 evangelicals met in Washington, D.C., this week for the Christians United for Israel Summit, where they heard about the increasing pressures against the historic and biblical country.

Gary Bauer, president of American Values, said the Bush administration’s pressure on Israel to give up land is a “move in the wrong direction.”
“Our message is, ‘Quit pressuring to give up land,’” Bauer said. “That has never worked; it’s not going to work now.”

Bill Koenig, author of "Eye to Eye – Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel", said standing with Israel is biblical.

Genesis 12:3 talks about those who stand with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their decedents will be blessed,” he told Family News in Focus. “And those who do not will be cursed, and if you look at the end of that Scripture, it talks about all families on earth.”

Summit attendees also lobbied Congress this week, urging them to stand with Israel.]"

Please pray that U.S. policy will no longer support any ideas or initiatives that divide the land of Israel. Also pray that we don't push Israel in that direction.

Call the Presidental Comment Line: 1.202.456.1111

Send the President an email:

Ask the President to support Israel and not to divide Israel's land. Remind him of the judgement that occurs when someone divides Israel's land.

If you don't already love and care about Israel, pray and ask God to give you a heart for His ancient people. God loves Israel. We need a heart for Israel too. (Don't forget - Jesus is Jewish)
