Wednesday 18 April 2007

The Rededicaton of America to God

I don't usually repeat my newsletter on the blog, but this is important. The newsletter will not go out until tomorrow and you may want to respond to this event before you get it. CBN is sponsoring a four day event, April 26 - 29, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of America. On April 29, 1607, in Virginia, a cross was planted in the sand and prayers were prayed dedicating our nation to the Lord. They also dedicated this new land to spread the gospel in this new land and throughout the whole world. On April 29, 2007, CBN will be planting another cross in the same place and rededicating our country to the Lord. I urge you to attend this event if you can. Christian leaders from across America will be present for this four day event culminating in the ceremony of planting the cross and praying for America.
Whether we can be present at Virginia Beach or not, we can all participate in this important event. Go to and you will find instructions on how to participate at home. You have the opportunity to plant your own cross in your own yard, thereby claiming your house and family for the Lord. You can purchase a white cross on line at that website. There isn't much time before the event so you'll have to act quickly. The newsletter says to go to for information on this event. I have searched but could not find the information on buying a cross or registering to go to the conference at I emailed them and they sent me to the above link.
This is very spiritually significant and I can't urge you strongly enough to participate. The fate of our country could depend on it. Almost every nation that has been a major power has self-destructed after 400 years. We are certainly headed in that direction but, if we will heed II Chronicles 7:14 and humble our selves and pray and see God's face, He will hear our prayers and He will heal our land. The fate of our country could depend on the prayers that are prayed on April 29th. We must PRAY and ACT. Our voices must be heard in the political arena, in the market place and in the city square. It takes time, energy, and courage to speak up and stand up for what is right. Pray that the Christian Community stops being the Silent Majority, the Sleeping Giant, the Frozen Chosen; pray that we become the Church Militant, that we find our voices, that we succeed in making the Kingdom Rules and Laws the rules and laws that govern our country. How can we be the Church Triumphant in heaven if we never fight a battle here on earth?
+ cover yourself, your family, and your possessions with the Blood of Jesus
+ put on the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6)
+ take authority over the situation in the Name of Jesus
+ ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and favor
+ ask the Holy Spirit to move on the heart of the person you are contacting
+ ask the Holy Spirit to open their mind to the truth as you speak or as they read your email
+ bind fear, anxiety and confusion in the Name of Jesus
+ write down your talking points
We have all the power, Jesus commanded us to use it to occupy. Let's shake off our lethargy and pray and act so we can glorify God and so He can heal our land.
Many Blessings.