Sunday 15 April 2007

Abortion Problems

I hope everyone had a very blessed Resurrection Sunday. Jesus Rules!

During an Easter gathering at my house a very heated discussion arose in the living room while my husband and I were working in the kitchen. We could hear the discussion but we were not actually a part of the discussion except for an occasional yelling out to the other room to get our two cents worth into the living room without having to leave the kitchen.

It seemed impossible that I was hearing pro-abortion distorted logic in my own living room while I was busy preparing a meal to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection. Even though the participants in the discussion were all self-professed Christians, more than one seemed to think that abortion was not only OK, but that it was a good thing that it was legal as women would die as a result of illegal abortions. The same tired, worn out and fallacious arguments were being used that had been in existence since the 1970s. Until that moment, I had thought that all thoughtful Christians had already seen the error in the logic of those arguments as well as the theological insufficiency of being pro-abortion.

Where do I begin? Certainly some women died as a result of illegal abortions. Not all women, SOME. Abortionists would have us believe that most women died of self induced abortions but that is not true. Few died. The number abortionists use has been picked out of the air to sway public opinion. A former abortionist has admitted to that.

Most certainly, SOME WOMEN DIE FROM LEGAL ABORTIONS ALSO. AND, SOME WOMEN DIE FROM THE MORNING AFTER PILLS. Women die from abortion whether abortion is legal or not. That is not the point. Misplaced pity for the abortive mother has blinded many, evidently even Christians, to the truth about abortion and the major problem with abortion:
Abortion kills an innocent, defenseless, helpless, powerless, and voiceless HUMAN BEING. That is the point.

This brings up the second misconception that somehow clouds the thinking of those that think abortion should be legal. They wonder if it is really a human being. How confused can someone get. People say they don't know when life begins. It should be clear to the Christian that life begins at conception. Yes, a fertilized egg is a human being. If it dies it will be in heaven with God forever. It is a real person that God had a plan for, and yet some people aren't sure. Its really funny. Somehow, some brilliant person figured out that fertilized lobster eggs are lobsters. Laws have been written that forbid the destruction of fertilized lobster eggs and the transporting of fertilized lobster eggs from one state to another. How did they ever figure out that a fertilized lobster egg is a lobster? We don't seem to know when a fertilized human egg becomes a human. I thought that debate was over until the aforementioned discussion in my living room.

If you want to believe a lie, then its easy. The abortionist tells the pregnant mother that she is not carrying a baby, its a blob a tissue, a mass of undifferentiated cells (stem cells). (Undifferentiated tissue is also a medical term used to refer to cancer cells.) I do have compassion for the dilemma of the unwed mother. The abortionists lies must be music to the ears of the frightened, distraught and desperate woman with an unwanted pregnancy. Her time for choice, however, is over. She already made her choice when she decided to have sex while not married. She made her choice when she decided to become sexually active. That is when she made her choice. Presumably, when she made her choice, she was aware that pregnancy can result from having sex. She made her choice anyway. To call abortion a "choice'' is another lie of the abortionist. It is not choice. It is deliberately deciding to kill the baby growing inside your body. Abortion is a decision to kill, a decision to destroy, a decision to end the life of another human being. It is not the abortive mother's body that she is controlling when she aborts, it is the body of an innocent human being, her very own baby, the innocent victim of a number of wrong choices. That is why abortion is wrong. It is taking the life of another human being. God has a law about willfully taking another's life. Thou shalt not kill. That's why abortion is wrong. It is immoral. And we as a society have made laws to protect the practice of killing our unborn children. We are all guilty.

We are a nation of baby killers. We are a nation that has stood by and virtually said and done nothing to stop the slaughter of the innocents. We have told God His law is not for us. We told Him we will make up our own laws and live by them. Because abortion is legal it has become common place. Women use abortion for birth control. Most women who have an abortion have more that one abortion. Multiple abortions are the norm. Life Saver Ministries' Newsletter reports that women have abortions because summer is coming and they want to look good in a bikini. Do you see how grievous and wicked this problem is?

That is why as Christians - God's people upon this earth- we must speak up. We must find our voice. We must stand against abortion and all the destruction it causes, the destruction of life and the damage it does to the woman who aborts. MANY suffer from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of aborting a baby. They at some point realize that they killed their baby and have deep emotional scars that only God can heal. The Blood of Jesus was certainly shed for the woman who aborts. There is forgiveness and grace at the cross for any woman who has aborted her child. Jesus paid the price and all she has to do is ask Him to forgive her and to heal her. Jesus is faithful. His grace can heal and restore the woman who has had an abortion(s). In the mean time, we as a nation are in grave danger of judgement because of our acceptance of abortion. As Christians we must confess that we live in a nation that has made it legal to kill our unborn babies and we must do everything in our power to reverse the situation. We must call our Senators and Representatives and tell them we want them to reverse Roe v Wade. We must rise up and raise such and out cry that this barbaric and gruesome practice will be banished from our society.

There are other arguments for abortion. There are the rape, incest, and birth defect arguments for abortion. Again, a very small percentage of occurrences. Rape, Incest and Birth Defects are terrible. Children having children is horrible. Murdering the unborn is unacceptable. Because we live in a sinful, fallen world these terrible things will and do happen. I personally do not believe that killing the unborn is ever the right solution. Adoption, compassion and therapy can solve most of the above. If birth defects are severe enough, the baby will die of natural causes. I have heard of a baby that was born literally without a head. The parents knew of the condition of the child before its birth and chose to take care of their severely disabled child for as long as it lived. The baby died with in a few months. The parents never regretted the time they spent with their child. That child is now in heaven, perfect without the egregious birth defect with which it was born. When those parents are reunited with their child in heaven, they will not have to explain why they cut their child's life off prematurely and ask that child for forgiveness. Of course, the child would have forgiven them, but that child won't have to do that. The reunion will be glorious without any shame or embarrassment.

If you have had an abortion(s), ask God to forgive you for having an abortion(s). Ask Him to heal your memories, and remove your guilt and shame. Join a post-abortion group at a Pregnancy Care Center. That will help with your healing process. Forgive yourself for what you have done. Remember that all have fallen short of the glory of God. God loves you and will forgive you if you ask Him. Then, give your baby a name and write a scenario for the life your child would have had. Imagine his/her features, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Give your beautiful child to God and ask Him to take care of him/her until you can join him/her in heaven. Ask God to tell your child that you are sorry and that you are eager to meet him/her. Have the courage to overcome your past and to serve God and live for Him.

I strongly urge that we pray for the reversal of Roe v Wade. Ask God to strike it down. Call you Senators and Representatives, write letters to the editor and make your voice heard when ever possible. Abortion is a reproach to America, it is a stench that is raising up to heaven and we must repent or we will certainly reap the wrath and judgment that we deserve.

Be strong. Pray before you act and trust the Holy Spirit to empower you, strenghten you and give you the wisdom you need to stand up for righteousness.

Many Blessings