Tuesday 20 February 2007

More Planned Parenthood

There is a website devoted to stopping all Planned Parenthood tax funding. It is:

Click and sign.

Christian Patriots for Life posted the following information about Planned Parenthood on their website on March 23, 2006:

Our tax dollars are paying for the following:

  • Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion chain in America and has killed more that 3 million innocent children at its facilities.
  • Planned Parenthood's top goal for the next 25 years is to push its agenda of promiscuous sex everywhere in our society.
  • Planned Parenthood puts minors on birth control without parents' knowledge or involvement.
  • Planned Parenthood has demonstrated a willingness to cover up for rapists and child predators.
  • Planned Parenthood pushes pornography onto children with shocking and offensive websites, books and literature.
  • Planned parenthood is openly hostile to Christianity, and regularly mocks people of faith.
  • Planned Parenthood hurts women with misleading and dishonest medical information.
  • Planned Parenthood does all of this with over $265 million dollars a year of your tax money.

Take a stand and tell your elected officials that